Students participate in three sections of literacy lessons each day with Mr. Romero: Expeditionary Learning, Phonics and Centers.
In the Classroom
Each day, students participate in a variety of literacy lessons.
Expeditionary Learning is, or EL, is our core content literacy block. During this time, students build their literacy skills, habits of character and knowledge of the world as they engage with high-quality, compelling, authentic texts covering a range of topics.
Phonics instruction utilizes the Skills Strand of Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). We strive to teach students the mechanics of reading and writing using an explicit phonics approach. As part of this strand, students will learn how to hear sounds in words and write "pictures of sounds," also known as letters.
During Centers, students will have an opportunity to practice their reading and writing skills in an authentic, hands-on manner. Students will have ample opportunities to receive tailored instruction during small group with their teachers as well as practice their learning independently.